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Choosing a lawyer. Where do I begin?

Author: Carol Pages, Pages Family Law. In the last article of our January series of ‘Where do I begin’ after separation, we give some tips for things to consider when choosing a lawyer for your family law matter.   Our first article [Separated? Where do I begin?] talked about initial research you can do and gave some tips Choosing a lawyer. Where do I begin?

Parenting after separation. Where do I begin?

Author: Carol Pages, Pages Family Law. In the second article in our January series of ‘Where do I begin’ after separation, the focus of this article is where to begin with arrangements for your children.  Our first article available here gives an overview of some of the information available on the internet, as well as some tips about Parenting after separation. Where do I begin?

Separated? Tips for making your parenting arrangements for Christmas

Author, Carol Pages, Pages Family Law. The lead up to Christmas often feels chaotic.  Gifts to buy, catch ups with friends, trying to see extended family, work Christmas parties and break ups, and when you have kinder or primary school aged kids – the rounds of concerts and parties to celebrate the end of the school Separated? Tips for making your parenting arrangements for Christmas

Case update – Full Court upholds decision to reverse care from Mother to Father

Author: Carol Pages, Pages Family Law. In the recent case of Gabbey & Cadriel [2024] FedCFamC1A 60 (17 April 2024) the Full Court upheld the decision of a trial judge which reversed the care of two children born in 2016 and 2019 from the mother to the father. The father brought a court application for parenting orders Case update – Full Court upholds decision to reverse care from Mother to Father

I want to get divorced – what do I need to do, and what to expect

Author: Carol Pages, Pages Family Law. What do I need to know? In Australia, there is one ground for an application for divorce – that the marriage has broken down irretrievably, as evidenced by 12 months separation, and there is no reasonable likelihood of reconciliation of the marriage. An application for divorce can be filed I want to get divorced – what do I need to do, and what to expect

Separated and can’t agree who gets the family pet? What the law says.

Author, Carol Pages, Pages Family Law. Many couples and families have pets and most consider their pets to be a part of their family. What happens at separation if there is a dispute about who keeps the pet? Pets are property In a recent case where there was dispute about who should keep the family Separated and can’t agree who gets the family pet? What the law says.

Changes to parenting section of FLA

Author, Carol Pages, Pages Family Law. The parenting sections of the Family Law Act are changing – what does that mean for me? On 6 May 2024 new laws will take effect about how the Federal Circuit Court and Family Court of Australia (the Court) makes parenting orders in the best interests of a child. Changes to parenting section of FLA