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Carol Pages

Case update – Property – Court declines to make property orders despite financial agreement found not to be binding.

Author: Carol Pages, Pages Family Law. Couples can enter into financial agreements before, during or after their marriage or defacto relationship.  When prepared before or during the relationship, the aim is typically that each party will have certainty about the division of their assets if their relationship breaks down.  Financial agreements can be attractive where the parties Case update – Property – Court declines to make property orders despite financial agreement found not to be binding.

How to navigate your divorce and stay sane

Author, Carol Pages, Pages Family Law. The end of a long-term relationship or marriage is one of the most stressful things that can happen in your life. Arrangements for children, uncertainty with finance, maybe moving house – and this is in amicable cases. What do you do if it isn’t amicable, or it is dragging How to navigate your divorce and stay sane

Case update – De facto property – Order to allow out of time application to be decided by the Court set aside

Author: Carol Pages, Pages Family Law. There are time limits in family law about when an application can be made for property division or spousal maintenance after a relationship ends. For de facto relationships, an application must be made within two years after the breakdown of the relationship unless both parties consent to the application Case update – De facto property – Order to allow out of time application to be decided by the Court set aside

Case update – Full Court upholds decision to reverse care from Mother to Father

Author: Carol Pages, Pages Family Law. In the recent case of Gabbey & Cadriel [2024] FedCFamC1A 60 (17 April 2024) the Full Court upheld the decision of a trial judge which reversed the care of two children born in 2016 and 2019 from the mother to the father. The father brought a court application for parenting orders Case update – Full Court upholds decision to reverse care from Mother to Father

Children travelling overseas without one or both parents

Author: Carol Pages, Pages Family Law. Is your child going overseas with a grandparent, a school group, a club or travelling with just one of their parents? There are laws regarding children travelling without one or both parents, and each airline has their own rules and guidelines to be followed. These can change and so it Children travelling overseas without one or both parents

I want to get divorced – what do I need to do, and what to expect

Author: Carol Pages, Pages Family Law. What do I need to know? In Australia, there is one ground for an application for divorce – that the marriage has broken down irretrievably, as evidenced by 12 months separation, and there is no reasonable likelihood of reconciliation of the marriage. An application for divorce can be filed I want to get divorced – what do I need to do, and what to expect

Separated and can’t agree who gets the family pet? What the law says.

Author, Carol Pages, Pages Family Law. Many couples and families have pets and most consider their pets to be a part of their family. What happens at separation if there is a dispute about who keeps the pet? Pets are property In a recent case where there was dispute about who should keep the family Separated and can’t agree who gets the family pet? What the law says.

Changes to parenting section of FLA

Author, Carol Pages, Pages Family Law. The parenting sections of the Family Law Act are changing – what does that mean for me? On 6 May 2024 new laws will take effect about how the Federal Circuit Court and Family Court of Australia (the Court) makes parenting orders in the best interests of a child. Changes to parenting section of FLA