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Carol Pages

Family law property division – Superannuation

Author: Carol Pages, Pages Family Law. In the second article in our series on Family law property division we discuss superannuation and how this this commonly dealt with in family law matters.  Our first article Family law property division – Asset valuations can be found here. Superannuation is considered property and added to the assets list (or Family law property division – Superannuation

Could your friend with benefits become a financial liability?

Author: Carol Pages, Pages Family Law. What happens if what you thought was a casual relationship breaks down, and the next thing you’re in the family courts with a claim against your major assets such as your house?  Maybe you weren’t even living together and you didn’t think you needed a Financial Agreement – the Australian Could your friend with benefits become a financial liability?

Family law property division – Asset valuations

Author: Carol Pages, Pages Family Law. In family law financial or property matters, the first step is to list out all of the assets of both partners, and have a value for each of these. The assets available for division in family law include everything that you own, everything that your partner owns, and everything Family law property division – Asset valuations

Choosing a lawyer. Where do I begin?

Author: Carol Pages, Pages Family Law. In the last article of our January series of ‘Where do I begin’ after separation, we give some tips for things to consider when choosing a lawyer for your family law matter.   Our first article [Separated? Where do I begin?] talked about initial research you can do and gave some tips Choosing a lawyer. Where do I begin?

Parenting after separation. Where do I begin?

Author: Carol Pages, Pages Family Law. In the second article in our January series of ‘Where do I begin’ after separation, the focus of this article is where to begin with arrangements for your children.  Our first article available here gives an overview of some of the information available on the internet, as well as some tips about Parenting after separation. Where do I begin?

The law for property division after separation is about to change. What you need to know.

Author: Carol Pages, Pages Family Law. What’s changed? In relation to the law about property or asset division following the breakdown of a marriage or de facto relationship, there are changes to the Family Law Act 1975 coming later this year.  These include changes about what the Court will consider when deciding a property settlement. The main change The law for property division after separation is about to change. What you need to know.

Separated? Where do I begin?

Author, Carol Pages, Pages Family Law. Some of the most searched terms in January are ‘separation’ and ‘divorce.’  It is common to feel overwhelmed about where to turn first for information or advice.  In this blog, the focus is on information gathering and where to begin. Read on for our tips to help you get started: Do Separated? Where do I begin?

Separated? Tips for making your parenting arrangements for Christmas

Author, Carol Pages, Pages Family Law. The lead up to Christmas often feels chaotic.  Gifts to buy, catch ups with friends, trying to see extended family, work Christmas parties and break ups, and when you have kinder or primary school aged kids – the rounds of concerts and parties to celebrate the end of the school Separated? Tips for making your parenting arrangements for Christmas

Case update – Property – Court declines to make property orders despite financial agreement found not to be binding.

Author: Carol Pages, Pages Family Law. Couples can enter into financial agreements before, during or after their marriage or defacto relationship.  When prepared before or during the relationship, the aim is typically that each party will have certainty about the division of their assets if their relationship breaks down.  Financial agreements can be attractive where the parties Case update – Property – Court declines to make property orders despite financial agreement found not to be binding.

How to navigate your divorce and stay sane

Author, Carol Pages, Pages Family Law. The end of a long-term relationship or marriage is one of the most stressful things that can happen in your life. Arrangements for children, uncertainty with finance, maybe moving house – and this is in amicable cases. What do you do if it isn’t amicable, or it is dragging How to navigate your divorce and stay sane